Tim (Barry Watson) on pealtnäha tavaline noor mees, kelle elu näib liikuvat ülesmäge nii tööl, kui suhetes sümpaatse pruudi Jessicaga (Tory Mussett).
Aga ta kannab endaga sünget saladust. Alates ajast, mil isa 8-aastase Timi silme all ühel õhtul riidekappi tõmmati, pärast mida teda enam kunagi ei nähtud, on ta kartnud praktiliselt kõike, püüdes end valmis seada kohtumiseks müstilise tondiga. Arst soovitab astuda vastu oma isiklikele deemonitele ning veeta öö lapsepõlvekodus, kust kogu luupainaja algas. Aga kuidas teha vahet, mis on päris ja mida ta endale ette kujutab?
"Tont" on värinaid tekitav õudusfilm, mille produtsendiks publiku ehmatamise alal laialdasi kogemusi omav Sam Raimi ("Evil Dead" triloogia). Osades Barry Watson ("7. taevas"), Emily Deschanel ("Ämblikmees 2"), Skye McCole Bartusiak ("Siidrimaja seadused"), Torey Mussett ("Võimatu missioon 2"), Lucy Lawless ("Sõjaprintsess Xena") jt. Lavastas Stephen Kay ("Räpane Mackey", "Last Time I Committed Suicide").
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Dark Hours (2005)
Päevast päeva kurjategijate saatuse üle otsustav psühhiaater Samantha Goodman teeb psühhiaatriahaiglas uue seerumiga illegaalseid eksperimente.
Ühel nädalalõpul metsahütis veedetud puhkusele saabub ootamatu külaline - Harlan Pyne - vägivaldne seksuaalkurjategija, kes on veendunud, et Samantha eksperimenteeris temaga haiglas. Koos oma abilisega korraldab Harlan mänge, mis viib selles osalejad läbi alanduste ja valu üha enam meeleheite äärele
Ühel nädalalõpul metsahütis veedetud puhkusele saabub ootamatu külaline - Harlan Pyne - vägivaldne seksuaalkurjategija, kes on veendunud, et Samantha eksperimenteeris temaga haiglas. Koos oma abilisega korraldab Harlan mänge, mis viib selles osalejad läbi alanduste ja valu üha enam meeleheite äärele
Darkness (2002)
Regina perekond on veetnud Ameerikas pikki aastaid ning nad lõpuks naasevad tagasi oma kodumaale Hispaaniasse. Nad asuvad elama suursugusesse mõisa, mille rõsked ja külmad seinad tunduvad perepojale väga kõhedana.
Hakkavad toimuma seletamatud sündmused ning pereisa hakkab imelikult käituma. See paneb lapsed mõtlema, mis kohutav saladus võib selles maja peituda. Varsti tuleb päikesevarjutus ning maja langeb pimedusse. Kas pimedus lõpetab nende piinad või jäävad nad igaveseks hirmu alla?
Hakkavad toimuma seletamatud sündmused ning pereisa hakkab imelikult käituma. See paneb lapsed mõtlema, mis kohutav saladus võib selles maja peituda. Varsti tuleb päikesevarjutus ning maja langeb pimedusse. Kas pimedus lõpetab nende piinad või jäävad nad igaveseks hirmu alla?
Wildmark / Dark Woods (2003)
The crew of the TV show "Real TV" with controlling boss Gunnar on the front line will soon begin production of a reality show for which participants are selected to survive in the wilderness. Gunnar has gathered a production team of four people: The friends Lasse and Per , the Swedish girl Elin and the new girl Sara. To test his new employees, Gunnar takes them to a log cabin where he used to spend summers as a kid. The cabin is located far away from civilisation, hidden in the dark, mysterious woods. The team has to make it through a weekend, finding food that nature has to offer, and neither cellular phones nor cigarettes are allowed. When Lasse and Per find a dead body in a lake near the cottage, the group is being tested. Gunnar is suggesting that they should continue the weekend without mentioning anything to Sara and Elin about what they found. But soon the team experiences some escalating incidents which lead to paranoia, accusations and mistrust
Dark Water (2005)
Dahlia Williams (Jennifer Connelly) kolib ära oma mehe juurest ning tahab alustada uut elu, uue kodu ja uue tööökohaga.
Nad kolivad koos 5-aastase tütre Ceciliaga (Ariel Gade) uude korterisse. Jõudes uude elukohta, leiavad nad eest räämas korteri, kust öösiti kostub veidraid hääli ning ülemiselt korruselt tilgub läbi lae tumedat vett. Nüüd tahab naine selgusele jõuda, kes on nende saladuslike sündmuste taga.
Nad kolivad koos 5-aastase tütre Ceciliaga (Ariel Gade) uude korterisse. Jõudes uude elukohta, leiavad nad eest räämas korteri, kust öösiti kostub veidraid hääli ning ülemiselt korruselt tilgub läbi lae tumedat vett. Nüüd tahab naine selgusele jõuda, kes on nende saladuslike sündmuste taga.
Dance Of The Dead (2008)
Film räägib loo luuseritest noorukitest, kes lõpuballile mineku asemel midagi muud teevad - kes on saanud just enne pidu tüdrukult korvi, kes peab tähtsaimal õhtul tööd tegema ning kes peavad paremaks plaaniks surnuaeda samal õhtul avastama minna (?). Kuna tuumajaama lähedal asuva surnuaia valvur ei suuda enam hauas rahutuna lebavaid elavaid-surnuid kantseldada, pääsevad viimased põgenema ning suunduvad kõik koolipeole, kus on tasuta muusika ja ohtralt söögipoolist. Nüüd ei jäägi ballilt kõrvalejäänud noorukitel muud üle, kui kätte võtta labidad ja kirved ning linnas kord majja lüüa
Gwoemul / The Host (2006)
Ameerika teadlased valavad suures koguses kangeid kemikaale kanalisatsiooni, mille tulemusena hakkavad Söulis Hani jões arenema mitmed muteerunud liigid. Jõe kaldal peab oma toidukohta Hee-bong (Hie-bong Byeon), kellel on kaks poega ja tütar. Ühel kaunil pärastlõunal märkavad inimesed silla all mingit kummalist sisalikutaolist olendit, mis võtab suuna kalda poole. Peagi on selge, et see olend ei tulnud sinna turistidelt toidupalukesi nuruma, vaid korraldab kaldal julma veresauna, kus hukkub mitmeid inimesi. Enne jõkke tagasipöördumist haarab elukas kaasa ka Kang-du (Kang-ho Song) noore tütre. Sündmuspaigale saadetakse sõjavägi ja mitmed uurimisrühmad ning elukaga kokkupuutunud pannakse karantiini; nende seas ka Hee-bongi pere. Kui ühel öösel saabub aga hukkunuks peetud tütrelt isale telefonikõne, on perel kindel plaan teha kõik, et päästa väike tüdruk.
See Lõuna-Korea seni suurim kassafilm ja ühtlasi seal 2006. aastal parima filmi auhinna võitnud teos seob endas mitmeid erinevaid žanreid, pakkudes nii põnevust, õudust ja draamat kui ka musta huumorit.
See Lõuna-Korea seni suurim kassafilm ja ühtlasi seal 2006. aastal parima filmi auhinna võitnud teos seob endas mitmeid erinevaid žanreid, pakkudes nii põnevust, õudust ja draamat kui ka musta huumorit.
Darkness Falls (2003)
150 aastat tagasi pakkus ekstsentriline Matilda Dixon Darkness Fallsi lastele nende väljakukkunud hammaste eest kullatükke. Nii tekkis legend hambahaldjast.
Kuid pärast raskete põletushaavade saamist näitas ta ennast ainult portselanist maskiga ning kui külakese kaks last kadusid, ei olnud lintšijad enam kaugel. Surija viimased sõnad panid külale needuse.
Seda needust sai noor Kyle omal nahal tunda, pärast seda, kui keegi tema ema tappis ja ta mõrva eest vangi mõisteti.12 aastat hiljem kannatab ta ikka veel toimunu all ja kardab pimedust. Kuid kui tema kunagine sõbranna talt abi palub, kuna ta väikevend näeb samu õudusunenägusid, mida Kyle'gi, peab ta oma hirmudest võitu saama ja üritama needust murda, et takistada hullema juhtumist
Kuid pärast raskete põletushaavade saamist näitas ta ennast ainult portselanist maskiga ning kui külakese kaks last kadusid, ei olnud lintšijad enam kaugel. Surija viimased sõnad panid külale needuse.
Seda needust sai noor Kyle omal nahal tunda, pärast seda, kui keegi tema ema tappis ja ta mõrva eest vangi mõisteti.12 aastat hiljem kannatab ta ikka veel toimunu all ja kardab pimedust. Kuid kui tema kunagine sõbranna talt abi palub, kuna ta väikevend näeb samu õudusunenägusid, mida Kyle'gi, peab ta oma hirmudest võitu saama ja üritama needust murda, et takistada hullema juhtumist
Boogeyman 3 (2008)
When a college student witnesses the alleged suicide of her roommate, it sets into motion a series of horrific events that cause her to fear the supernatural entity. As she tries to convince the rest of her dorm that the Boogeyman does exist, the evil force grows stronger and her friends begin to pay the price. Now she must stop this ultimate evil before the entire campus falls prey
Vacancy 2: The First Cut (2009)
In 2004, the managers of the Meadow View Motel Gordon and Reece use room 6 to videotape the intimacy of the guests to sell porn movies. When the mysterious Mr. Smith checks in with a young woman, they witness the sadistic psychopath guest stabbing and killing his mate. The footage is a success and they decide to make other snuff movies with Smith. When Caleb, who is traveling from Chicago with his fiancée Jessica and his best friend Tanner, decides to rest in Meadow View, they have a nightmarish night and try to survive from the sick intention of the gang
The Rest Stop: A Dead Ahead (2006)
In Texas, the aspirant actress Nicole Carrow runs away home to Los Angeles with her boyfriend Jess Hilts. They drive through a shortcut in an old road, and when they park in a rest stop, Jess is abducted by the sadistic driver of an old yellow truck. Along the night, Nicole is threatened by the sick maniac, while mysterious things happen to her in the place
Willard (2003)
Fear of the Dark (2002)
Twelve year old Ryan Billings has been diagnosed with an acute fear of the dark. He spends each night lying awake in torment, waiting and watching as the evil in the darkness grows stronger, feeding off his fear. His older brother Dale, suspects that there is nothing wrong with Ryan and that this is just a ploy for more attention. Regardless, he promises to watch over his little brother as their parents head off to a party for the night. Outside a storm rages and when the power goes out, darkness envelops the house. Ryan knows that tonight the evil has finally come to claim him. Dale desperately tries everything to try and calm him down, until the horrors in the dark make him realize Ryan had good reason to be so afraid
Bloodlines (2007)
In the sticks of Kentucky, a demented family of inbreds begin the process of cleaning up their blood line. Their twisted family is led by Billy Bob Hackford, who in his madness abducts unsuspecting young women. As a sadistic sport, the clan forces the girls to fight, gladiator style to the death, to determine the strongest. Billy Bob then rapes the victor in hopes of a pregnancy and expanding the Hackford family. The Hackford's plan changes when they abduct Amber Strickland, a southern tom boy whose family ties run as deep as her abductors. She's not a victim or prey, but a huntress raised in the backwoods of Alabama. Her brothers, Bear and Brody track her down and a feud of country folks erupt into a massacre, with only the strongest to survive
Session 9 (2001)
An asbestos abatement crew wins the bid for an abandoned insane asylum. What should be a straightforward, if rather rushed, job, is complicated by the personal histories of the crew. In particular, Hank is dating Phil's old girlfriend, and Gordon's new baby seems to be unnerving him more than should be expected. Things get more complicated as would-be lawyer Mike plays the tapes from a former patient with multiple personalities, including the mysterious Simon who does not appear until Session 9, and as Hank disappears after finding some old coins
The House (2008)
In rural Alabama, two couples find themselves in a fight for survival. Running from a maniac (The Tin Man) bent on killing them, they flee deep into the woods and seek refuge in a house. They soon realize the killer has purposely lured them to this house and that they are now trapped. As they huddle around an old fireplace, a tin can falls through the chimney. Scrawled on its side is a message from the killer, establishing his House Rules. The rules call for their deaths unless they kill at least one of the four. They have less than 12 hours to find a way to survive. At sunrise the game is over and everyone dies if the killer's demands aren't met. What they quickly learn is that the only way out... is in. But going further into this house--where unknown challenges await them--is equally deadly
The Signal (2007)
Imagine every cell phone, radio, and television in your city suddenly broadcasting the same mysterious signal over and over. Now imagine these "terminus" transmissions evoking violent, uncontrollable, psychotic chaos from everyone who comes in contact with them.The Signal invades the minds of everyday citizens living their workaday lives and having their sordid affairs. Suddenly struck by the power of the insidious transmissions, they are compelled to kill or be killed. Complicating matters is a zombielike resistance some characters have to the idea of remaining dead. The story violently explodes, blending bloody gore with psychological satire, for a truly original horror experience. The Atlanta filmmaking team of David Bruckner, Dan Bush, and Jacob Gentry tell the eerie tale in three parts (cleverly called "transmissions"), shifting perspectives to draw out a larger story that explores dark secrets and fears as well as jealousy and betrayal
Not for the faint of heart, The Signal will nonetheless satisfy those looking for a smart exploration of the power of media to mutate our minds. It is truly inspired independent filmmaking that will stalk viewers from every dark corner while examining the surprising human madness lying deep within
Not for the faint of heart, The Signal will nonetheless satisfy those looking for a smart exploration of the power of media to mutate our minds. It is truly inspired independent filmmaking that will stalk viewers from every dark corner while examining the surprising human madness lying deep within
Quarantine (2008)
Reprter Angela Vidal ning temaga koos töötav kaameramees Scott teevad järjekordset osa reality-show’st, mis räägib inimestest, kes töötavad siis kui ülejäänud inimesed magavad. Seekord tuleb neil osa võtta Los Angelese tuletõrjujate öisest vahetusest.
Pärast suhteliselt rahulikku õhtut, saabub keskööl hädakõne, mis viib tuletõrjujad äärelinna väikese korrusmaja juurde. Sündmuskohale on saabunud juba politseinikud, sest korrusmaja ühe kolmanda korruse korteri aknast kostab verdtareetavat röökimist. Angela ja Scott on otsustanud kõik jäädvustada ning sisenevad esimese rühmaga majja. Mainitud korterist leitakse öösärgis seisev ning üleni verega kaetud vanem naisterahvas. Naine tundub olevat haige ning üks politseinikest püüab naist aidata, mille peale ründab naine politseinikku ning hammustab teda.
Püüdes nüüd omakorda haavatud politseinikku aidata, püüavad Angela ja Scott majast lahkuda, kuid leiavad oma õuduseks, et kogu maja on vahepeal pandud karantiini ning kõik võimalused majast lahkuda on blokeeritud ja kõik ühenduse võimalused välisilmaga läbi lõigatud
Pärast suhteliselt rahulikku õhtut, saabub keskööl hädakõne, mis viib tuletõrjujad äärelinna väikese korrusmaja juurde. Sündmuskohale on saabunud juba politseinikud, sest korrusmaja ühe kolmanda korruse korteri aknast kostab verdtareetavat röökimist. Angela ja Scott on otsustanud kõik jäädvustada ning sisenevad esimese rühmaga majja. Mainitud korterist leitakse öösärgis seisev ning üleni verega kaetud vanem naisterahvas. Naine tundub olevat haige ning üks politseinikest püüab naist aidata, mille peale ründab naine politseinikku ning hammustab teda.
Püüdes nüüd omakorda haavatud politseinikku aidata, püüavad Angela ja Scott majast lahkuda, kuid leiavad oma õuduseks, et kogu maja on vahepeal pandud karantiini ning kõik võimalused majast lahkuda on blokeeritud ja kõik ühenduse võimalused välisilmaga läbi lõigatud
Vikaren / The Substitute (2007)
Kuuendasse klassi saabunud uus asendusõpetaja hakkab kohe klassi treenima rahvusvahelisteks võistlusteks Pariisis. Siiski toimub midagi päris arusaamatut! Naine suudab lugeda laste mõtteid ja alatasa on tal ees väga kuri nägu, ta käitub tigedalt. Õpetajanna peab veenma vanemaid, et ta on väga meeldiv, kuigi kogu klass teab, et ta on hoopiski tulnukas !
Kuchisake-onna / Carved (2007)
Pretty average Asian Horror film that still seems to linger in the "long hair creepy woman" category but, the storyline is promising and the creep factor is there, (in small doses,thanks to makeup) but if you are not a fan of plot holes or unexplained elements, (which sometimes work in horror, IMO) then you will not enjoy this film. There is very little gore and what is there is usually in a "cut-away" scene (this is a film that would probably just get a pg-13 by American standards)-Overall the film just doesn't satisfy, absolutely no character development and not enough "suspense" to really make it an enjoyable film
Darkhunters (2004)
They say the only thing you can depend upon in life is death. Charles Jackson is about to find out that isn't true. Dying is a tricky process and mistakes get made. How many ghost stories have you heard over the years? And what is a ghost but a mistake of death, an unclaimed soul forgotten by God. Now his only hope to get to heaven is the mysterious Carol Miller, a Dark Hunter, whose job it is to return those souls to death before others find them, for a soul is a valuable commodity and there are those who do not serve God but a darker master, who would eagerly exploit this. Darkhunters creates a world of demons and angels that will take you beyond your imagination
The Grudge 3 (2009)
The Pulse 2: Afterlife (2008)
The world has been reshaped by the invasion of ghosts via the wireless internet. Cities are deserted, technology has been destroyed and the few remaining human beings eschew anything electrical in order to avoid a confrontation with the soulless ghosts that now wander the planet. Most of the ghosts are doomed to a repetitive loop of something they did while they were still despairing humans (a man repeatedly hangs himself, for example), but there are some ghosts so locked in denial, they do not know they are dead. They continue to haunt their homes, wrapped in fear that their souls will soon be torn from them
The Pulse 3: Invasion (2008)
Seven years into the invasion, humankind has fled the cities where billions have died from a plague spread through the internet. JUSTINE (17) dreams of a life beyond her squalid refugee camp where all technology is taboo. She discovers the last working laptop and opens it like Pandora's Box. Someone is waiting for her online. And that someone wants desperately to meet her. The only catch, she must return to the city. With a longing that surpasses fear, Justine embarks on a terrifying journey back to the heart of where it all began. What waits there is something she could not possibly have imagined
Hit and Run (2009)
Mary Murdock, a college student, thinks she's hit and killed a cat with her car driving home drunk from a party. She is horrified beyond words when she gets home and discovers a man's nearly dead body impaled on the bumper of her Jeep. Terrified and irrational, Mary is faced with a series of decisions that determine her fate
The Haunting of Molly Hartley (2008)
Teismeline tüdruk Molly, kes kohe on saamas 18, avastab, et tema vanemad tegid lepingu Saatanaga, et päästa tüdruku elu. Nüüd saab ta teada kelleks, õigemini milleks peab ta saama…Siis tuleb Saatan koguma ohvreid, hakkavad juhtuma jubedad asjad ja Molly peab välja mõtlema, kuidas ennast päästa, enne kui hilja...
Let The Right One In (2008)
Oscar on 12 ja see, kuidas klassivennad teda kiusavad, hakkab juba igasuguseid piire ületama. Oscar unistab kättemaksust ja julge olemisest, kuid üksi mitme vastu ta ei saa.
Ühel päeval ilmub tema majja elama tüdruk, kes muudab kõike. Eli on ilus, ta silmad on targad, ta tundub olevat nii üksik ja ta saab Oscariga kohe sõbraks. Eli räägib Oscarile, kuidas ennast kaitsta kiusajate eest ning lubab teda aidata, kui vaja on. Nende kahe sõprusest hakkab tekkima midagi enamat… kuid asjad ei ole nii lihtsad.
Eli ei ole tavaline tüdruk. Ta ei tohi olla päikese käes, ta ei saa süüa tavalist toitu ja ta ei saa tulla tuppa enne, kui keegi on teda sisse kutsunud. Ning kui lähikonnas toimub mitu öisel ajal sooritatud mõrva, hakkab Eli tõeline pale päevavalgele imbuma
…. aga päevavalgus on Eli suurim vanelane
Ühel päeval ilmub tema majja elama tüdruk, kes muudab kõike. Eli on ilus, ta silmad on targad, ta tundub olevat nii üksik ja ta saab Oscariga kohe sõbraks. Eli räägib Oscarile, kuidas ennast kaitsta kiusajate eest ning lubab teda aidata, kui vaja on. Nende kahe sõprusest hakkab tekkima midagi enamat… kuid asjad ei ole nii lihtsad.
Eli ei ole tavaline tüdruk. Ta ei tohi olla päikese käes, ta ei saa süüa tavalist toitu ja ta ei saa tulla tuppa enne, kui keegi on teda sisse kutsunud. Ning kui lähikonnas toimub mitu öisel ajal sooritatud mõrva, hakkab Eli tõeline pale päevavalgele imbuma
…. aga päevavalgus on Eli suurim vanelane
My Name Is Bruce (2007)
My Name is Bruce is the heroic struggle of a small mining town (Gold Lick, Oregon) to rid itself of a vengeful monster. Guan-di (Jamie Peck), the Chinese god of war and protector of the dead, has been unleashed by cemetery desecrating teenagers to protect the graves of Chinese miners lost in a deadly cave-in of yesteryear.The deadly demons mission is to eradicate all those who transgressed against the tomb (relatives included), which is virtually the entire population of Gold Lick. The inbred community has to find a solution so Jeff (Taylor Sharpe), the sole survivor of a deadly Guan-Di encounter, takes it upon himself to kidnap his idol, Bruce Campbell (Bruce Campbell), star of countless B-movie horror films, and recruit him to be their local savior.
Mortified at first, Bruce eventually goes along with Jeffs prank, convinced that its all an elaborate birthday present from his agent (Ted Raimi), and begins to enjoy the spoils of being a movie hero, including free liquor and Jeffs attractive mother, Kelly (Grace Thorsen).But Jeffs scheme goes horribly wrong when his hero, known more for fighting directors than mythical warriors, haphazardly leads the town in battle against Guan-Di. Confronted by a monster thats not a guy in a rubber suit, and with the blood of innocents on his hands, Bruce abandons the harsh reality of Gold Lick for the sanctity of his former, artificial life.In his ramshackle desert trailer, Bruce resumes the daily grind of genre sequels, poor housekeeping and cheap whiskey, but a gut-wrenching call from his biggest fan, Jeff - now forced to take on Guan-Di alone - prompts the actor to re-evaluate his destiny.Against his better judgment (and the angry citizens of Gold Lick), Bruce returns to defeat Guan-Di, save Jeff, and snag his hot mother. In the climactic, mano-a-monster, Bruce tries to rise above the miserable, off-screen schmuck that he is and become a heroin real life.Be afraid, Gold Lick be very afraid
Mortified at first, Bruce eventually goes along with Jeffs prank, convinced that its all an elaborate birthday present from his agent (Ted Raimi), and begins to enjoy the spoils of being a movie hero, including free liquor and Jeffs attractive mother, Kelly (Grace Thorsen).But Jeffs scheme goes horribly wrong when his hero, known more for fighting directors than mythical warriors, haphazardly leads the town in battle against Guan-Di. Confronted by a monster thats not a guy in a rubber suit, and with the blood of innocents on his hands, Bruce abandons the harsh reality of Gold Lick for the sanctity of his former, artificial life.In his ramshackle desert trailer, Bruce resumes the daily grind of genre sequels, poor housekeeping and cheap whiskey, but a gut-wrenching call from his biggest fan, Jeff - now forced to take on Guan-Di alone - prompts the actor to re-evaluate his destiny.Against his better judgment (and the angry citizens of Gold Lick), Bruce returns to defeat Guan-Di, save Jeff, and snag his hot mother. In the climactic, mano-a-monster, Bruce tries to rise above the miserable, off-screen schmuck that he is and become a heroin real life.Be afraid, Gold Lick be very afraid
Red Sands (2009)
From the creators of the horror cult hit, Dead Birds, comes a psychological horror film about a unit of U.S. soldiers in present-day Afghanistan who unknowingly release a vengeful supernatural force that wages upon them a deadly war. The Afghani people believed there were beings on Earth far older than humans--the Djinn. The Djinn, according to legend, were made of smokeless fire and could take on any form they wished but could be imprisoned in certain vessels such as a lamp as told in teh tale of Alladin. According to legend the Djinn hated humans and most fled the Earth as humans grew to dominate it. But a few remained imprisoned in vessels designed to contain them waiting to be freed. The soldiers on routine patrol for insurgents came upon an ancient statue deep in the desert. They have no idea what they have found and one of them shoots the statue with his M-16 tearing it apart. Unfortunately for his unit the statue seems to have been a vessel imprisoning a Djinn who decides to take vengeance.
Midnight Movie (2008)
At a run down theater in a sleepy suburban town, a group of friends attend the midnight screening of a 1970s cult horror film. These unsuspecting teenagers are unaware that the director and star of the movie made a bloody escape from a psych ward five years earlier and may still be on the loose.As the midnight movie begins, the kids heckle the old black-and-white scenes. But they are jolted when the killer butchers one of their friends...on screen! They soon realize that the killing is not a prank. They are locked inside the theatre and the killer from the movie is after them!
Caught between reality and the screen's flickering shadows, are they becoming the unwilling stars of the very horror movie they are watching?
Caught between reality and the screen's flickering shadows, are they becoming the unwilling stars of the very horror movie they are watching?
The Unborn (2009)
Vahetevahel on surnu hing kurjusest sedavõrd läbi imbunud, et seda ei lasta taevasse. See on määratud igaveseks ekslema tühermaale elavate ja surnute maailma vahel, otsides meeleheitlikult uut keha, mis endale allutada. Aegajalt see ka õnnestub…
Casey Bell (Odette Yustman) vihkas alati oma ema, et see ta lapsena maha jättis. Rida seletamatuid sündmusi paneb ta aga ema käitumist isegi mõistma. Kurnatud jubedatest luupainajatest, mis külastavad teda igal öösel, ning piinatud viirastusest, kes teda päevasel ajal hetkeksi maha ei jäta, pöördub Casey viimases hädas rabi Sendaki (Gary Oldman) poole.
See mees võib olla ainus, kelle abiga saaks sulgeda nähtamatu läbipääsu, mille teises otsas ootab oma võimalust piiritu kurjus…
The Broken (2008)
On a busy street in London, Gina thinks she sees herself drive past in her own car. Stunned by this strange event, Gina follows the mystery woman up to her apartment. From here, events take an eerie turn for the worse until Gina's awareness slides from solid reality into a world that will haunt more than just her nightmares
The Fear Chamber (2009)
A mad man is on the loose and killing young beautiful girls. He is cutting up the bodies and disposing of them in ways so the police can not identify them. Detective Ferguson has been tracking him down, and he finally has the chance to take out this deadly killer. How will he stop this psycho from killing, will he become a victim himself
Dying Breed (2008)
Dying Breed interweaves the two most fascinating icons of Tasmanian history: the extinct Tasmanian tiger and "The Pieman" (aka Alexander Pearce) who was hanged for cannibalism in 1824. Against all odds, Pearce escaped from the most feared penal settlement of the British Empire - Sarah Island - and disappeared into the impenetrable forests of Western Tasmania. Seven convicts escaped with him, yet Pearce was the only one that emerged... along with chunks of human flesh in his pockets. The legend of Pearce was born. An extinct species... a long forgotten legend... both had a desperate need to survive; both could now have living descendants within the Tasmanian bush. Many sightings of the tiger have been reported. Many hikers have gone missing. Hundreds in fact. Zoologist Nina is convinced there are still tigers remaining in the Tasmanian wilderness, and she has proof - a photograph of a paw print snapped by her sister just before she met with a fatal accident in the bush eight years before. Unable to attain funding for an expedition, Nina fears her wish to finish her sister's work (and perhaps lay to rest recurrent nightmares she has about her sister's death) will never happen. Her partner, Matt, manages to persuade an old mate Jack to help finance the trip - at a price. Jack brings along a girlfriend, Rebecca, who uses the trip as an escape from her stifling real estate job. On their quest to find the extinct tiger, the group venture deep into isolated territory and into the domain of "Pieman" descendants. "Sarah" is a small township that passionately upholds its cannibalistic heritage in honour of the convict patriarch that gave birth to it. It needs to stay hidden to survive... but it also needs fresh "stock" to breed. The four hunters become the hunted
Autopsy (2008)
Martyrs (2008)
1970. aastate Prantsusmaa. Mahajäetud ja räämas tööstuspiirkond. Üksik põgenev hing, umbes kümneaastane hüsteerias tüdruk, kes verisena, ilmselgelt ja kauaaegselt piinatuna - pehmelt väljendudes - jookseb, tuli takus. Inimesed leiavad nälginud ja nülitud tüdrukult küll vägivalla tundemärke, ent siiski pole tüdrukut vägistatud. Tüdruk ei räägi midagi ning mis temaga juhtus, jääbki teadmata - nii vaatajale kui ka politseile. 15 aastat hiljem.
Idülliline peremotiiv. Isa, ema ja nende kaks last söövad hommikusööki. Järsku heliseb uksekell. Käivad lasud. Õige pea on terve maja laipu täis - kellelegi ei halastata. Sündmused on omavahel seotud ja õige pea saab teada, miks.
See on ka kõik, mida peaks MÄRTRITEST teadma, ning see on pelgalt esimesed viis minutit. Mis edasi juhtub, pole etteaimatav - kui just pole kelleltki sisu kohta kuulnud või sellest netist lugenud. Mida vähem sellest teada, seda parem. See on rabav, brutaalne, võigas ning samas ka vastikult leidlik ning visuaalselt üllatav.
Traagiline hirmumäng neljas omanäolises vaatuses
Babysitter Wanted (2008)
Attractive but sheltered, Angie Albright (Sarah Thompson) is excited to finally leave her strict religious household to attend college. While her new roommate is wilder than she's used to, Angie soon discovers that there are far worse threats to worry about than a messy dorm room.While looking for a job babysitting, Angie learns about the recent disappearance of a female college student and the horrific murder of another girl one town over. After growing increasingly paranoid that someone may be following her around the campus, Angie is pleasantly surprised to meet Rick (Matt Dallas), a fellow student with an easy smile and a kind heart. When Angie's car won't start the night she's suppose to begin her babysitting gig, Rick jumps at the opportunity to drive her to the remote farmhouse owned by the Stantons (Bruce Thomas and Kristen Dalton)-a good looking, hard working couple who look like they stepped from the pages of an LL Bean catalog.With young Sam quietly asleep upstairs, Angie quickly realizes just how creepy the old farmhouse is at night...and just how isolated they are. And that's when the phone calls begin. Each one, silent, except for the static hum of an oldies station playing on the radio.After making frantic calls to Rick and the local Sheriff (Bill Moseley), the front door begins to violently rattle and Angie finds herself caught playing a shadowy game of cat and mouse with her mysterious caller-a hulking brute who she now recognizes from the college campus. The horribly scarred man begins tearing the farmhouse apart with a terrifying fury and an animal growl. With the parents nowhere in sight, and help still miles away, Angie must dig deep to find the strength and the wits to keep herself and the quiet child upstairs alive.In the tradition of "Rosemary's Baby" an"When a Stranger Calls," "Babysitter Wanted " is a heart stopping horror thrill ride filled with unexpected twists and blood chilling terror.
Walled In (2009)
A young woman who recently graduated from engineering school travels to a remote location to supervise the demolition of a mysterious building.
She soon discovers the horrifying secrets of the building and its past inhabitants, many of whom were victims of a vicious murderer who entombed his prey alive within its walls.
Now she must turn the tables on the killer before she becomes his latest victim
She soon discovers the horrifying secrets of the building and its past inhabitants, many of whom were victims of a vicious murderer who entombed his prey alive within its walls.
Now she must turn the tables on the killer before she becomes his latest victim
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